I'm writing to tell you it won't be like this forever. Rather you are in the trenches thinking you may never get out, or in the most joyous moment of mamahood hoping it never ends, it will. Lately I have been reflecting on the moment I became a mama, the moment that changed my life forever, in the best possible way, and every moment there after. I remember the inconsolable crying, the first smiles and words, the hitting, the tantrums, the first steps, the first solids, the sleepless nights, the moments I just wanted to freeze in time and never let slip away. I remember them all so clearly, like it was yesterday, and each one of those memories tugs on my heart strings prompting me to tell you, stop mama, embrace the moment no matter what the moment is, you will never get it back. They will never be two again telling you what to do, or three again asserting their independence at the least convenient times, or five again walking into kindergarten for the first time. The mornings of getting up and sipping coffee, or taking long walks to the park, and indulging in a day of slow moments with nowhere to be and nothing to do, those will be gone. And when they are, you will long for them, you will think back to how simple life was and wish you could just live one of those days, one more time, because this time you would appreciate it so much more. This time the baby spit up on your jacket, the hours of rocking, the inconsolable crying; it wouldn't be so bad. This time you would realize it too shall pass and when it does you won't get it back. You will know that in the future you have busy schedules, homework, birthday parties and life getting in the way of those slow moments. And mama, when you start to feel sad that those moments are gone (like me), smile and remind yourself that they will be six getting dropped off for first grade, or eleven and graduating sixth grade, or eighteen and going to senior prom, or twenty six and walking down the aisle. Smile because those moments are going to be just as good. Smile because YOU are amazing, every day YOU are raising up your littles to be kind, compassionate, successful, and happy people. YOU are doing one of the most important jobs known to mankind. YOU are shaping our future and YOU are amazing. Smile because the best is yet to come mama. But, love the moment you are in, for someday you will think back to it longingly and wish you could go back there, if even for a second. And, mama, take pictures, it is the closest thing you will ever get to preserving the memory. Love you all.

100 Degree Dress (yellow) Free People
Lace Dress Free People
Maxi Dress (long sleeve version) VICI

Xoxo, Annie


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